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Tag: avengers assemble

In preparation for the new Superman movie hitting theaters in July, let’s reflect on former Man of Steel’s over the years. I love that each of them have their own unique take on the character, and...
First Look at the Megatron Story in Transformers #19 By Daniel Warren Johnson and Ludo Lullabi! This April, the best-selling Energon Universe story begins its fourth arc! Today, Skybound and Image Comics, in partnership with Hasbro, a leader in...

Avengers Assemble #2 Review – The Ghosts of the Past!

Avengers Assemble #2 Writer - Steve Orlando Penciler - Scot Eaton Inker - Elisabetta D'Amico Colorist - Sonia Oback Letter - VC's Cory Petit Cover - Leinil Francis Yu &...

Avengers: Assemble #1 – Time to Get Back to Basics!

Avengers: Assemble #1 Writer - Steve Orlando Penciler - Cory Smith Inkers - Oren Junior with Elisabetta D'Amico Colorist - Sonia Oback Letter - vc's Cory Petit Cover - Leinil...

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