
Power Rangers Prime #2- The Hunters And Hunted Are Here In New Eltar

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Looks like both our Red Ranger and Space Witch are being hunted down. Writer Melissa Flores, Artist Michael Yg, Colorist Fabi Marques, and Letterer Ed Dukeshire have created another spectacular issue. 

Read Power Rangers Prime #1 Review Here

Power Rangers Prime #2 Cover G By Kayla Valerio (Credit: BOOM! Studios)

This issue picks up after the events of Issue #1. We start with Rita roaming around Angel Grove. She then finds Lauren’s morpher on the ground, and it ends up broken. The issue then shifts to the Eltarian guards discussing what fell from the moon. This leads them to find Rita standing in front of a brick wall. 

Things get interesting from here. Rita takes Lauren’s morpher, and does something interesting with it. She uses her tiny staff, and unleashes a monster of epic proportions from the morpher. The Eltarians then proceed to try to defeat the monster. 

We then cut back to Jun and Mark, and they are still in shock after what happened. The conversion then turns to the subject of Mark hiding Lauren in his and Orion’s apartment. We then cut back to Rita. She is still fighting The Eltarians with her monster. The Eltarians can’t seem to beat Rita, no matter what they try. 

Things Are About To Get Interesting

The comic then shifts to Mark and Orion’s apartment. We see Lauren and Orion watching TV, and then there is a knock at the door. The Eltarian guards are checking the apartment to see if they can find Lauren. Instead, Orion is able to distract the guards, and they don’t find Lauren in the apartment. 

We then cut back to Rita, and while her monster is still fighting, she is taking an Eltarian warrior hostage. The minster then turns on Rita, and she tries to fight back. The monster does end up losing. We then see Rita and the guard go and take a walk. 

The issue then cuts back to Jun and Mark, and they are both in Jun’s place. And after they have a conversation, Orion and Lauren show up. After Lauren and Mark have their conversation, Valentina shows up. 

Meet The Team

Valentina realizes what is happening, and before anything else, Lauren attempts to attack her. Now, the fight is broken up, and a civilized conversion is attempted to be had. The issue cuts back to Rita and her minion. For MMPR fans, this is such a different take on Bulk’s characters. But it works so well for the comic. The conversion between them is interesting. 

We then see Valentina alone on the roof of Jun’s place. She is trying to have a moment, but Jun is texting her. We then see Lauren and the boys having a conversation. The final scene shows the VR Troopers, and they are holding off on hunting Rita. They instead are going to be going after Lauren. 

Final Score: 10 

Issue #2 sets up what to expect in the upcoming issues. Alongside that, Melissa and the team are breathing fresh life into the Power Rangers Comic Universe. And this series, while being 2 issues in, is already getting very interesting.