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STUFF OF NIGHTMARES: Slay Ride. A Frightening Return to the Mind of R.L. Stine


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Stuff of Nightmares: Slay Ride by R.L. Stine, Pius Bak, Francesco Segala, and Jim Campbell. (Credit Boom! Studios. Cover by Francesco Francavilla.)

Creative Team:

Writer: R.L. Stine

Illustrator: Pius Bak

Colored By: Francesco Segala

Letterer: Jim Campbell

Cover By: Francesco Francavilla

Variant Covers: Jenny Frison, Francesco Francavilla, Jae Lee, June Chung, and Zu Orzu

Homage Cover: Miguel Mercado and Dylan Todd

Collector Cave Variant Cover: John Giang

Rated Comics Variant Cover: Ejikure

The Art:

Pius and Francesco deliver a vintage yet classic style of artwork in this book. Their linework and details within the shadows of the pages deliver the grunge-type vibe that matches well with the story in the pages.

Stuff of Nightmares: Slay Ride by R.L. Stine, Pius Bak, Francesco Segala, and Jim Campbell. (Credit Boom! Studios. Cover by Francesco Francavilla. Variant Covers by Jenny Frison, Francesco Francavilla, Jae Lee, June Chung, Zu Orzu, Miguel Mercado, Dylan Todd, John Giang, and Ejikure.)

The Writing:

The story immediately reminds us why R.L. Stine is one of the best horror writers to ever have done it. He finds a way to make us laugh when we should be frightened and to even make us think we are reading a Batman tale for a moment. You know, if Batman was a torturous keeper of nightmares. Stine has a very classic and captive way of telling a story and this ho ho horrifying tale is no different.


This festive holiday tale truly has something for everyone. A classic who dunnit case where we try to find the one Santa who murdered as though we are in a gory tale of Where’s Waldo? A mall clerk who knows he can catch this Santa to prove to himself and his fiance he is capable of more, and a Santa who just wants to give cheer to kids at Christmas gone mad.

The highlight is a Santacon taking place in a bar causing even more confusion. There are clever kills while our schizophrenic Santa mows down unsuspecting victims and to top it off this story ends in a fiery tongue-in-cheek way only R.L. Stine could produce.

Make sure you pull this book from under your Christmas tree, pour the nog, and dive in this year.

9.5/10 Cigars

Thank you for taking the time to read my review! You can find all of my other reviews here https://nerdinitiative.com/?s=HopsGeekNews. Follow me on social media @hopsgeeknews and let me know what comics are on your pull list!

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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