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WWE LFG – Credit: WWE/TKO group/A&E Network

How fast things can change! Since its’ debut, “WWE LFG (Legends and Future Greats) has pushed its 16 contestants like never before. The  WWE and A&E reality series has shown them at highs and lows. Coming off the guest appearance of CM PUNK last episode, Character was the focus. Early favorites took a step back. Now Jasper Troy and Tyra Mae Steele have stepped into the top spots.

How will the teams mentored by Mickie JamesBooker TBubba Ray Dudley and The Undertaker fare this episode? Let’s take a look and see:

Last week, Shiloh Hill didn’t grab the mic. This costed him and team Taker a much needed point. Post show, Hill unleashed on the mic. It was too little too late. Taker spoke with him about this. It seems like this will be a point moving forward.


Shawn Michaels addresses the contestants and brings up a big point that most have glossed over. Michaels mentions that there are still some contestants who haven’t wrestled in front of a live crowd. That ends tonight. Chris Island, Sirena Linton, Penina Tuilaepa, Tatyanna Dumas, Bayley Humphrey and Elijah Holyfield are the last not to partake.

Holyfield talks with his coach and asks to wrestle Anthony Luke. Both Taker and Booker agree that’s the one to do. Chris Island gets Drake Morreaux. Bayley’s first match is Dani Sekelsky and Linton vs. Tuilaepa round out tonight’s card. Some of the other contestants aren’t happy sitting on the sidelines. How this impacts the contest should drive for better matches.


Bubba Dudley shows his team his first ECW match. It’s a humbling moment. Dudley breaks down what he did. The team starts picking Dudley’s brain about what did and didn’t work. In Dudley’s words, It all came down to the crowd. Team Taker sees the Deadman’s debut at the 1990 Survivor Series. The insight is immeasurable. Taker calms their nerves when he mentions how to prepare for something to go awry. This impacts the team greatly. Holyfield and Bayley breathe a sigh of relief…for now.

Mickie James and Booker T are up next. Booker T is playing up the moment with his team. It’s a much lighter atmosphere in comparison to James. Booker throws a curve into the mix. He shows them his last WCW match as a difference. James breaks down the effect of nerves and how it helped her to improve. Both give a wealth of knowledge to their squads. They get solid questions back and puts an emphasis on how important the competition is.

The crowd is now piling in to watch WWE NXT. Backstage, nerves are starting to show on some. Others seem more ready for the spotlight. There is a guest in attendance with some vested interest in Luke vs. Holyfield. Maxxine Dupri is in attendance to watch her fiancée (Luke) wrestle the inexperienced Holyfield.

The coaches take their seats in the back and the lights go down…LET’S START THE SHOW!


Bayley Humphrey VS. Dani Sekelsky

Bayley’s nerves calm right down as she hits the ring. In comparison, Selkelsky is nursing a hip injury and isn’t 100%. The match starts with Bayley showing off her power. Dani plays up to the strength and starts telling a story. Both women get the crowd invested with clapping. Bayley’s mannerisms are also clutch. Bayley wins via “Head Crush”.

Bayley receives high praise form the Taker. It reflects a solid first impression made with her reactions. Mickie checks in with Dani about her hip. All things sound ok but this will be something to watch as the show goes on.

Penina Tuilaepa vs. Sirena Linton

“P-Nasty” comes out with a bit of swagger. Linton is beaming form ear to ear. As the match starts, Penina is moving too fast before setting up spots. Once she slows down, Penina takes hold of the match. Unfortunately one spot doesn’t play out. Linton’s hurricanrana gets very little air. Penina doesn’t sell it right and both struggled to regroup. The match closes with Penina getting the big win.

Post match, Booker lets Penina know what she needs to improve on. James echoes the statement with stating “less is more” and to slow the pace down.


Chris Island vs. Drake Morreaux

“The Bayou Boogie” is now becoming a crowd favorite. Island needs to work on his entrance. He’s all over the place with too much excitement. Match is very back and forth. There’s a LOT of character flaws with this one. Is Island the “face”? Why isn’t Morreaux looking like one? Drake gets the win via Chokeslam.

Everyone is critiquing Island’s strikes. Solid chemistry from both.

Anthony Luke vs. Elijah Holyfield

Luke looks every bit of the superstar that many think he will be. Dupri and Holyfield’s mother are featured in the crowd. Match is very steady with both selling the story to the crowd. Holyfield plays into the boxing legacy of his father. Luke responds with heel tactics. After a “Holyfield” chant, Luke is defeated via roll-up.

Post match, both return to ovations from the locker room. All are praised for their in-ring work. Taker was extremely complimentary to the pace of the match. Their chemistry was very good.


Michaels brings the team and coaches together for the voting. Booker awards Holyfield and Bayley his votes. Taker and Bubba follow suit with the votes. Mickie stays loyal and votes Chris. James also goes Bayley.

POINT STANDING: BOOKER 4, Undertaker 4, Mickie 2, Bubba 0 (after 6 episodes)


  • Bayley Humphries was the stand-out of tonight’s show. She nailed all the key factors involved with the match.
  • Elijah Holyfield equally impressed. For being his first match, he nailed all the little things.
  • Chris Island is becoming quite polarizing as far as what character he would be best at
  • No BJ Ray this week
  • Anthony Luke is back at the top of my leaderboard to win this. If not for his work, Holyfield’s debut might not have gone over.

Let me know your thoughts on “WWE LFG” airing Sunday Nights 8pm EST on A&E Networks in the comments below. Thanks for reading! CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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