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Star Wars: Ahsoka, by E.K. Johnston – A Book Review


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Welcome to the first ever official book review for Nerd Initiative’s new BOOK CLUB. At the beginning of each month I will post a reel on all our socials, to let everyone know what I’m going to read. Then before the month is over, I’ll have a written review here on . You can read along, or wait for the review. To kick this new NI addition off, my first book is ‘Ahsoka’ by E.K. Johnston.

Sidenote: Watching the cartoons is in no way a requirement to fully enjoy this book. However, I highly recommend it, as they’re fantastic. 

Check out another review from Lauren: Star Wars: Thrawn Alliances #1.

Book cover for 'Star Wars: Ahsoka' by E.K. Johnston. Published by the Disney Publishing Group.
Book cover for ‘Star Wars: Ahsoka’ by E.K. Johnston. Published by the Disney Publishing Group.

The overall story of the book ‘Ahsoka’

Throughout the Star Wars timeline we’ve seen Ahsoka as a baby, a padawan, not a Jedi, a rebel, and so much more. This specific book bridges her story from ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ to ‘Star Wars Rebels.’ As a Star Wars late bloomer (it took me some time to truly fall in love with it all), I’m a huge sucker for anything that fills in gaps and makes the overall story that much better. That’s exactly what ‘Ahsoka’ did. 

‘Ahsoka’ kicks right off with a flashback from the gut wrenching ending of ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars.’ Whether you’ve seen the cartoons or not, you’ll be quickly sucked in. Throughout the book we get these flashes. Some may be recognizable, and some may not. However, the main storyline is about what Ahsoka did after Order 66, and how she’s dealing with it all. Physically and mentally. 

A scene at the end of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' featuring Ahsoka. Image by The Walt Disney Company.
A scene at the end of Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ featuring Ahsoka. Image by The Walt Disney Company.

Even though Ahsoka left the Jedi order, she’s still force sensitive and known for her connections to the Jedi. Therefore, she’s forced into hiding (no pun intended). Nevertheless, no one can hide forever. As she begins to build relationships, and make a life for herself, the Empire unexpectedly shows up. Throughout the book many new characters are introduced, however, many familiar names come up as well. Whether you’re a prequels fan, cartoon fan, or an OG fan, you’ll see a name you recognize.

Overall Grade: 9.5/10

Every Star Wars book I read, makes me fall more in love with the overall universe, and ‘Ahsoka’ was no different. The Ahsoka series on Disney+ really brought to light just how young she was when she was fighting in the Clone Wars. So young, and yet fierce enough to take down Maul. It only makes sense that she wasn’t just hiding until we see her later in ‘Star Wars Rebels.’

This book was an absolute blast to read (pun intended this time). There were so many nods to other stories, yet it never felt overwhelming or confusing. It flowed just as beautiful as the lava on Mustafar. Then it wrapped up toward the end with some moments, that would have any Ahsoka fan excitedly going… oh!!! As you have a Leonardo DiCaprio moment pointing at the TV. -NO SPOLERS!-

I cannot recommend this book enough! As soon as I was finished I instantly looked up more Star Wars books from E.K. Johnston. Good news, there is quite a few!

About ‘Ahsoka’

Star Wars Ahsoka is written by E.K. Johnston, and came out in 2016. It is considered canon to the Star Wars universe. The book can be purchased at many different book stores and retailers who sell books, including Barnes & Noble, and Thrift Books.

If you read along, let us know what you thought in the comments below. Got a book you’d like reviewed before you read it? Let us know that too! 

For more from Lauren check out ‘Hops GEEK News.’

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Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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