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The competition is heating up on the latest collaboration between WWE and A&E . “WWE LFG” has 16 future greats getting pushed to their limits. Whoever stands out from the pct has a chance to win a WWE NXT contract.
With mentors like Mickie James, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley and The Undertaker, there’s no excuses for losing. The knowledge being bestowed is huge. Only hard work and dedication will push someone over the top to success.
In recent episodes, Team Booker is starting to take leaps to stand out. Anthony Luke and Leigh Laurel look to be the odds on favorites. Will they hold on? Can anyone stop them? Let’s find out.
This week’s episode starts with the teams getting hyped for the day. Booker leads with 3, Mickie with 2, Taker has 1 and Bubba is at 0. Bubba has to give some tough love with Tatyanna Dumas. Dumas showing lack of confidence is reflecting the team. Dudley won’t stand for that, nor should he.
WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels is saying today’s challenge is character. Michaels welcomes CM PUNK to the show. If anyone isn’t familiar with him, Punk is “The Best in The world”. He’s one of the most polarizing figures in wrestling. Punk also knows a thing or two about speaking truths and projecting characters. (Editor note: We are VERY BIG CM PUNK fans here on this blog).
Punk throws down a challenge to the group. He wants someone to grab the mic and cut a promo. Zena Sterling (Team Bubba) tries taking the mic but Jasper Troy shuts her down. Troy goes off on a personal rant involving Punk. One might not have thought this to be the best call….but it was!
The coaches and Punk applaud his work. It was personal and spoken very organically. The best promos are all emotion. Troy delivered on it. Dumas and Laurel follow with potentials written all over their work. Cutler James’s work falls short. Punk breaks it down and it’s solid critique. Wrestlers at home should take notes. As the others prepare to work, one more decides to join in. It’s the resident heel: Brandon “BJ” Ray.
This doesn’t sit well with his coach. Ray starts ripping into Bubba, Anthony Luke, Zena and more. The most venom is pointed at Cutler James. Ray dives into explaining why James is just a replacement. No one is safe from the promo. Dudley isn’t pleased Ray crashed the scene again. One note stands out to his coach. It seems like Ray learned something of why Bubba wouldn’t shake his hand. Punk is more focused can Ray back it up than the verbal jabs.
Tyra Mae Steele is first up after the Ray promo. This comes from others being tentative to follow. Bubba isn’t impressed with the start. Steele answers back with some fire and passion. It won over her coach. The Undertaker sings its’ praises. Its a stark contrast to what other contestants think of Chris Island. After getting called out by Troy, Island doesn’t take the offer. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
The promo session ends on a downer with notables not grabbing the mic. Taker was extremely disappointed in Shiloh Hill not participating. Punk calls them out and advises them to not sit on the sidelines next time. He re-emphases this is a big opportunity and not to let it slip. Mickie James echo those statements with her team. Everyone can hear the disappointment in her voice.
The coaches and Punk make this week’s matches. Everyone wants to see Jasper Troy in the match. Mickie tries vying for Chris Island and Sirena Linton be the manager. Steele is in the mix as well. Dumas and Laurel get paired up based off their work. Cutler James is rewarded for trying and paired with Shiloh Hill.
Solid match between the two. Troy needs to work on ring psychology and selling an injury. This became very apparent as the match went on. Troy wins but not without flaws. The coaches praise both wrestlers. Taker dives in more about Troy. Linton’s actions make Bubba question. It’s a learning moment. Punk gives no negatives as he says it was solid for where they’re at.
Steele shows a ton of charisma during this. It appears to be a breakout moment for her. Once Steele swings into a heel mode, her character starts to take over the match. It actually draws a reaction out of Taker. Steele leans in heavy to the heel persona to win via holding the tights. In post, the coaches break down Steele’s heel character and give general praise. Steele’s slightly confused on some advice but looks for it as a challenge.
Dumas is coming into the match with a slight arm injury. Lots of back and forth with Dumas getting the W. Post match, Punk calls out Laurel for being too reserved. James calls the match “rushed”. Dudley holds nothing back and rips into the match. The lack of attention poured in the ring. Dudley gives tough love as he tells what is needed to be fixed.
The match starts very fundamental. Lots of basic moves. The coaches have a tough time figuring out who’s the face and heel. Things change dramatically when Hill gets hit in the face and drops. It’s the second time this season he’s been hurt in a match…or was he!
It was all a ruse as Hill goes HEEL! Hill takes over the match. This pleases Taker and Bubba. James gets the upper hand late and steals the match back. Easily the most entertaining with the Heel Turn. The coaches praise the heel turn. It carried a sense of realism that works the crowd over. James gives minor pointers but is happy with what she saw. Punk gives thoughts and loves Hill’s toothless look.
Michaels reminds the contestants this was all about “range” tonight. Punk is given final say for the points tonight. Tyra Mae Steele wins the point for the women contestants. Jasper Troy takes home the point for his work. Punk brings up how if Hill gave a promo, he might have earned the point. Taker is not happy about this. It’s safe to say there will be a very honest talk coming. This is on the heels of a fantastic promo Hill cuts before the show ends.
- Hill was the star of this episode. The promo he cut before the show ended WOULD HAVE WON THE POINT! Taker sees a star in him and quite frankly, so do I. When he puts it all together, the sky is the limit.
- Laurel’s set back is Steels’ gain. If she is going to win this competition, Laurel needs to draw a character or some emotion out. In one promo, Steele launched herself ahead of the group. If she stays on this path, her winning is a no brainer.
- I was surprised Luke didn’t grab the mic here amongst the others. It seemed like a missed opportunity for someone who would have thrived in this area.
- You can’t tell me otherwise – as soon as BJ is healthy, he wrestles Bubba Ray. After his promo, he is a heat magnet that will make a lot of money. Fine tuning him will only add more zeros to the end of that check.
- CM Punk was great in this role tonight. Love him or hate him, nothing he said was wrong. His mic work has made him a legend. Which future star will follow suit?
POINT STANDING: BOOKER 4, Undertaker 2, Mickie 2, Bubba 0
Let me know your thoughts on “WWE LFG” airing Sunday Nights 8pm EST on A&E Networks in the comments below. Thanks for reading! CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN
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