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DEADPOOL #12 – Attack of the New Team


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Creative Team – Cody Ziglar(writer). Andrea Di Vito(artist). Guru-eFX(colorist). VC’s Joe Sabino(letterer). Taurin Clarke(cover artist).

Catch up with Deadpool #11 here!

“SPIDER-MAN VS. DEADPOOL(S) — whoever wins… well, some bad #$%& is still going to happen! WADE’s only hope is to knock out MILES. ELLIE is having second thoughts. But can the Deadpools and their business survive without this win? Not if AGENT GAO has anything to say about it!” (Credit: Marvel)

The Story

Cover art by Taurin Clarke. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Pools of Blood crossover continues with Deadpool, Ellie, Princess, Spider-Man, Shift, Output and Midas. Deadpool shows up to meet Midas and Output with what’s supposed to be their target, Spider-Man, but it’s actually Shift. Immediately, this is disliked by Midas and Output, as Midas uses her powers of increasing density through touch to make Deadpool weak in the knees.

It seems Deadpool isn’t the only target as Output puts his focus on taking out Shift, blasting him to the floor. Deadpool, still recovering from Midas’ attack, has made the plan to take out the two villains, while promising the same when he gets his hand son Spider-Man.

Meanwhile, Princess and Spider-Man are in the midst of their own battle. Spider-Man and Ellie were close to calling truths until Princess took matters into her own paws and attacked. But what else is a giant symbiote dog to do when she sees her sister being attacked?

Although Princess is just being a good sister, Ellie puts a stop to it. She says they need to find their dad, Deadpool, but they have to figure out a way to do it since her phone is fried. Luckily, Spider-Man’s suit is made of nanotech straight from Wakanda, and is able to offer up assistance for a quick fix. With the phone being fixed, the new team is able to teleport to where Deadpool is and offer up a hand of assistance.

The Writing

Variant cover art by Todd Nauck. Published by Marvel Entertainment

So far, I’ve really enjoyed everything that’s come out of Cody Ziglar’s Deadpool run, but the Pools of Blood crossover is probably my favorite. I think this shows how great Ellie and Spider-Man work together and I wouldn’t mind seeing them collaborate more in the future. Granted Spidey was Ellie and Deadpool’s original target, but a job’s a job, right?

I’m also very curious to see where this goes, especially with that cliffhanger we were left with. A new otherworldly threat against the father daughters duo sounds like it could make for a wild time.

The Art

Andrea Di Vito has done nothing but impress with this Deadpool run, and Deadpool #12 is no exception. While each panel involving Deadpool or Ellie showing off their fighting skills is always a win, I think some of the best scenes involve Spider-Man. With Guru-eFX handling the colors, adding that to Di Vito’s drawings, each fighting panel makes you feel like you’re right in the middle of the action.

I can’t speak on the art without mentioning Joe Sabino’s fantastic work on the letters. With so many different outspoken characters in Deadpool #12, Sabino does a great job making each sentence feel powerful and impactful.

Overall Grade – 8.9/10

Let me know in the comments below what you thought of Deadpool #12!

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This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Deadpool #12, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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