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The CW’s DC Universe had a Big Presence at MEGACON Orlando 2025


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The Arrowverse recently came to an end with the series finale of Superman & Lois. However, the fanbase remains strong. Characters from Arrow, Legends, The Flash, and Smallville, were all in attendance! While Smallville came first, and the Arrowverse wouldn’t exist without it, it’s getting lumped in here after that amazing Smallville scene during Batwoman in “Crises on Infinite Earths: Part 2.”

I didn’t attend every CW DC panel, but I did get to Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, and Smallville. So here are some of the moments I took away from each.

Legends of Tomorrow

I’m going to be completely honest. When this show started it was hands down my least favorite Arrowverse show. The second they embraced their off the wall stories, though it quickly turned into my favorite (although I’m still thinking about that Superman & Lois finale). I was so upset after watching the Legends series finale, and learning it was just that. They ended with [WARNING: SPOILERS], Booster Gold, Sara being pregnant, and everyone going to jail. During this panel I was happy to hear the cast was just as upset as I was. They wanted to keep going.

Legends of tomorrow at MEGACON Orlando 2025.

The panel consisted of Caity Lotz (Sara Lance); Brandon Routh (Ray Palmer & Superman, but mainly Ray Palmer); Matt Ryan (Constantine), and a surprise guest. Arthur Darvill (Rip Hunter), was not supposed to be at the panel, but decided to crash. It was a very warm welcome by everyone in the room.

While this show had a ton of insane moments, each actor had a point where they thought, this is nuts. For Mark it was when they all become puppets (which Arthur was disappointed he missed). He was concerned after years of Constantine getting cancelled and coming back, puppet Constantine would be the true end of the character. The scene where a nipple was ripped off and came back to life, was also mentioned. The actors then joked about what was going on in the writer’s room. For Caity she said it was the Vikings having Bebo as their god.

Beebo the God of War. Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow. Image by CW.
Beebo the God of War. Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow. Image by CW.

We also learned that Arthur once set a fire on accident, that made it into the show. Meanwhile, Ray Palmer had a special chair when in the Atom suit because he couldn’t sit down otherwise. When asked who they would want to play in James Gunn’s DC universe, Brandon Routh (Ray Palmer who also played Superman in the Arrowverse and in Superman Returns in 2006), immediately responded with “Superman.” Caity said Catwoman, and Arthur said Alfred… eventually.

Supernatural even got mentioned

They wrapped with some talk of Supernatural. The Supernatural car (affectionately referred to as “Baby”), made a cameo in Legends of Tomorrow. Castiel, a character in Supernatural is also dressed as a nod to the comic book version of Constantine. This has created many fans of both shows over the years to bring this up to both actors. To the point that Matt said he felt as if he knew Misha Collins (Castiel) when they finally met in person. Matt also said he would have loved a crossover with the two characters in the same room.

*On a sidenote, in episode 300 of Supernatural, the Castiel character is jokingly called Constantine.

The Flash

This panel consisted of Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/The Flash); Candice Patton (Iris); Carlos Valdes (Cisco/Vibe); Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin/Killer Frost); Tom Cavanagh (Wells/Thawne/Reverse-Flash, etc.); and John Wesley Shipp (Henry Allen/Jay Garrick/The Flash, etc.).

The Flash cast at the Megacon Orlando panel in 2025.

We kicked off this panel talking about how John has been playing the Flash for as long as Grant has been alive. John’s Flash TV series debuted in 1990, the same year Grant was born. He then went on to say the father/son scenes with Grant are some of the most memorable of his career.

John then joked about a scene in the 90s he didn’t love as a joke. It was inferred for a moment his Flash was a little fast at something not preferred to be quick at. John then went on to tell the audience he only ever thought he would play Barry’s dad. He learned from the costume designer that he was going to be the man in the iron mask who we learn to be the real Jay Garrick AKA The Flash.

Candice said she had a hard time at first rooting for Iris, but loved where they brought her story. Grant imparted some wisdom when asked how he did it all. He said he would take it scene by scene and, “try not to suck.” All the while throughout you could tell Tom was definitely the goof ball of the set as he was cracking jokes the whole time. He even joked he wasn’t allowed to talk to the cast until season 2 as he could tell they were all big up and coming stars (the latter part he was serious about).


The Smallville panel consisted of Tom Welling (Clark Kent); Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor); Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang); and Erica Durance (Lois Lane). Michael kept the crowd laughing throughout as questions and dry erase board games were played. He kicked off by telling the audience that the infamous theme song, ‘Save Me’ by Remy Zero, is Tom’s alarm.

Tom mentioned that directing episodes of Smallville made him have more patience as an actor. Meanwhile Michael said he wants all the attention so he did pranks on set. Kristin joked she spent years being in love with tape on a ball, as they often had to act against that while filming a scene.

When asked if anyone took anything from set, Tom said only memories. However, the other three did not. Kristin said she kept her vampire teeth and the de-Kryptonite necklace. Erica kept Lois’ wardrobe, and Michael kept, “everything.” As they wrapped up Michael told a story about his time on the set of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 with Sylvester Stallone. Michael had a Rambo lunch box he wanted signed. Stallone agreed to it, but not before telling him he had problems because he had a Rambo lunch box at the age of 47.

The Smallville panel at MEGACON Orlando 2025.

The Arrowverse on the floor

On the floor you could meet even more Arrowverse characters! Diggle, Felicity, Superman & Lois, and more. This was definitely an amazing con for any fans of the CW DC shows.

Tom Welling from Smallville at Megacon Orlando 2025.

My biggest regret of the weekend, was not hitting up the Superman panel with 6 different Clark Kents! Hopefully I catch a future one that also includes Henry Cavill. Now I wait to see what happens at Megacon Orlando 2026! Dates are already set for March 19-22, 2026.

For more MEGACON Orlando 2025 content check out some highlights from this year, as well as all the Supernatural fun that made an appearance.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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