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Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And this week I’m here to review the FIRST issue of the new Star Wars series from Marvel Comics!
There’s 3 stories in the issue this week, and Marvel has put 3 of their best writers on the task of writing the stories. It’s a very promising start, and it shows a lot of promise! So let’s jump into it!
Star Wars: A New Legacy #1 features Charles Soule, Jason Aaron & Kieron Gillen on writing duties. Ramon Rosanas, Leonard Kirk & Salva Espin on artwork. Neeraj Menon, Jay David Ramos & Israel Silva on Color Artist. VC’s Clayton Cowles is on lettering, along with Steve McNiven & Laura Martin on the cover art.
The three stories in this issue are all great, but to me there’s one that stands out above the rest. And that one is The Grand Imperial Jubilee by Charles Soule.
There’s a celebration being held on Alderaan just 2 years before the battle of Yavin. And it’s a celebration for the 30th anniversary of Emperor Palpatine rising to the rank of Supreme Chancellor. The guest list is a who’s who of Imperial high ranking officials, and NOTHING can go wrong. So of course EVERYTHING does.
What follows is like something out of Ocean’s Eleven. We see a bunch of familar faces from the various comics told over the years. It’s an exciting story that’s action packed and fast paced. What’s even better is the story is left unresolved. It appears that we haven’t seen the last of this story.
The other great story is For The Love Of The Empire by Jason Aaron. This story features a group if Imperial Stormtroopers from the well known 501st legion. I have to say I was very interested in this story. I wouldn’t mind seeing this crew show up in their own short story or full fledged novel. It has some real potential.
FINAL POINT: A New Legacy is a very promising first issue with stories from three of the best writers in comics today. It has a serious amount of potential that I would love to see more of, and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here. This is a issue you DO NOT want to miss, and should be at the top of your reading list this week.
Overall Score: 9.5/10
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