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The Book of Oa stolen. It is now in the possession of Sorrow. With its’ content in evil hands, danger grows. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are back in action. Opposing them is a growing number of “fractal” lanterns. There’s no rest for the weary as duty calls the emerald heroes.

GREEN LANTERN #19 by Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Jason Paz, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe launches the newly reformed Corps into “the Fractured Spectrum” saga!

Let’s take a closer look at where things stand now!


Adams dives into the new beginnings for Hal Jordan and company. The opening of this issue delves into Carol Ferris’ life as a JLU member. Seeing Ferris hold her own amongst the DCU’s heavies provides a fun set-up before Jordan crashes the party. With the two getting some quiet time, The writing blends their hero worlds with their relationship. It’s a solid break before events shift towards another familiar face.

Kyle Rayner’s mission with Odyssey leads to another addition to the cast. Readers will be amped up to see who’s added into the book rescue mission. Pacing devotes a lengthy period to get this all established. Once settled, the story briefly spotlights Sorrow’s alliance. There is a larger picture painted in the closing act. The case lead provides more surprises. None might be larger than the final page. It leaves many questions as the latest saga finally starts taking shape.


This issue has three artists on taking the image reigns. The Justice League conflict opens with a full page action splash. It shows the readers how the team is working. As the threat starts growing stronger, Hal Jordan crashes the conflict. The full page intro changes the mood. Ferris’ reaction beams with excitement. This is a stark difference than Batman’s brooding. Jordan and Ferris never let the audience escape their bond as events are playing out.

Rayner experiences more of the same with Odyssey. The full page shot grants the time traveler access to the issue. Odyssey isn’t the only one with a full page welcome. A recruited heavy hitter is gifted the same favor. Readers watch as the contrasting personalities light up the panels. As events steer back toward the mission, the art team changes the look for the closing act. The pages carry a dark tone until the final reveal. A closing full page splash is at the end of a haunting lead-in. It will have readers guessing what’s next as the story takes shape.


The “Fractured Spectrum” starts its’ saga with a great jumping point. Adams’ writing sets the stage as the Lanterns brace for the chase. The art team construct the ever-evolving tale with a mix of heroics and personal reactions. There’s much room to grow from what is sure to be a classic Lantern tale in the making.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern #19. Thanks for reading!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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