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Doomsday has returned like never before. Under the guise of the Time Trapper, he has offered Superman a deal. It is one that carries grave consequences. Unfortunately, time has run out. An alien armada has arrived in Metropolis. Their request is simple: “Give Us Doomsday.” What will the Man of Steel do?

SUPERMAN #22 by Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher presents an ever-mounting challenge towards Superman and Superwoman.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what unfolds now!


“The Enemy of My Enemy”. What a complex corner Superman has been put into. Williamson has thrown a no win challenge into place. As the people of Calatron arrive, they demand Doomsday. Their offer is one that makes sense on many levels. It also sounds too good to be true. Leave it to two reporters to cipher through the front. The writing exposes both sides to come to a lie in wait. It leads to an expected response.

Knowing what Doomsday has done, it’s a justifiable rage. Pacing picks up as the frantic reactions take hold. The true threat here comes unto focus. Longtime Superman fans can appreciate the character’s reintroduction. Williamson leads readers into the fray with an unlikely team-up. It leans itself into a shocking direction. Right before it plays out, a switch is played for the close. A new character is taxed with handling the heavy choice. It’s an excellent spot to conclude events for now, but not for long.


Mora and Sanchez welcome readers into the tense landscape with a gorgeous two page spread. As the conversation starts between the “super couple” and invaders, the tensions rise. Each panel brings out more hesitation and fear. It reflects what is at stake. Readers watch as eventually things boil over to an extreme reaction.

An incredible full page blast brings a familiar competitor into the mix. As they maneuver through the book, the excitement grows. Readers can sense how intense this conflict is becoming. Seeing a direct close-up of Superman’s face defines this. It rolls into a jaw-dropping two page shot. Once the smoke clears, prepare for the final page. The art team leaves readers with a final full image that throws more weight on an already heavy decision.


The burden of Doomsday starts breaking the Man of Steel in an exciting new chapter. Williamson takes readers for a thrilling ride. Mora, Sanchez and Maher never stop delivering on bold moments from start to finish. Just when you think you have answers, the creative team swerves with a great twist. Get ready for it!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #22. Thanks for reading!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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