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Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku: Last Stand #4 – An Explosive Conclusion


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Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And this week I’m going to be reviewing the 4th issue (12th overall) of the Battle of Jakku – Last Stand series from Alex Segura & Marvel!

After 12 straight week’s of incredile storytelling we’re finally at the conclusion of this series! We know the New Republic is going to come out on top, but there’s still some finer details to hash out. So what does it all mean? Let’s jump into it!

Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Last Stand #4 – Courtesy: Marvel Comics (cover: E.M. Gist)

Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Last Stand #4 by Alex Segura (Writer), Jethro Morales (Artist), Jim Campbell (Color Artist), VC’s Joe Caramanga (Letterer) & E.M. Gist (Cover) is an action-packed, explosive conclusion to the series that ended up living up to the expectations.

Well, we’re finally here. The end of the Galactic Civil War between the New Republic (FKA the Rebel Alliance) and the Galactic Empire. It’s a battle we’ve seen play out across every medium across 40+ years. And it’s a battle we’ve known the outcome of for 41 years. Sure, we didn’t learn about the Battle of Jakku until 2015 in the novel Lost Stars by Claudia Gray (INCREDIBLE novel by the way). But we knew the outcome after the end of Return of the Jedi.

But for all that we know, there’s an equal or greater amount we don’t know. And that’s been the intrigue with the series from the start. Just what were Han, Luke & Leia up to? What about the New Republic leadership? How did the Empire fumble this so badly?

More interestingly was the newest character introduced in the series, Grand Moff Ubrik Adelhard. Following in the steps of Darth Vader, Grand Admiral Thrawn & Grand Moff Tarkin, he looked to become the next leader of the Imperial military & what remains of the Empire. A ruthless taction, and a major thorn in the side of anyone who faced him. He’s easily one of the more interesting new characters introduced in recent history.

The issue is a chaotic battle from start to finish, with multiple forces all across the battle field. First, you have the New Republic fighting to survive. Second, you have the Empire trying to fight back the Republic and maintain it’s control. Third, is Moff Adelhard and his forces looking to fight for their own victory. Fourth, are the pirates that were working for Adelhard but have been talked out the deal. Lastly, are the Spice Runners who were on Adelhard’s side heading into the battle.

The primary focus in the issue, aside from the actual battle, is on Luke Skywalker and his small force who are looking to make their way into the battle and stop Adelhard. The issue is a thrilling read from start to finish and really hits the gas pedal from the moment the issue starts. Considering it’s the last battle it’s no surprise that it’s the most chaotic battle of the war. The battle at Endor felt a little tidy and clean compared to this, yes even including the wrinkle of the second Death Star being active.

The epilogue of the issue is the highlight of the issue for me, because it sets up incredibly for the New Republic Era series that was just announced by Alex Segura himself. I’m VERY curious to learn some more details about just who it is we see at the end of the issue, because it’s deliberately kept vague. And if it’s who I think it is, I’m VERY excited to see how that plays out.

FINAL POINT: Despite all the ups & downs the series had it ended up being a fantastic read that really paid off in the end. This issue is a fitting end to the series, and a great launching point into the next series set in the New Republic Era from Alex Segura. That series is one you’re not going to want to miss, and this series is one that you should absolutely read. If you’ve been waiting for the end of the series to read it, you’re going to binge-read the whole thing. It’s a fantastic series, and the entire creative team deserve a round of applause.

Overall Grade: 10/10

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