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Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And this week I’m going to be reviewing the 3rd issue (11th overall) of the Battle of Jakku series from Alex Segura & Marvel!
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is here! The Battle of Jakku is finally here, and things are absolutely chaotic! So just what does it mean for our heroes? Let’s jump into it and find out!
Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Last Stand #3 by Alex Segura (Writer), Leonard Kirk (Artist), Jim Campbell (Color Artist), VC’s Joe Caramagna (Letterer), E.M. Gist (Cover) is an action-packed issue that delivers in every way possible.
This issue feels like the main event at a UFC event and in the words of legendary announcer Bruce Buffer, “It’s TIME!” Firstly, you have the fledgling New Republic just trying to survive and win the war against the Empire. Secondly, you have what remains of the Empire trying to maintain their control and hold on things. Finally, you have Grand Moff Adelhard who’s a wildcard if ever there was one.
Without a doubt this is the most action-packed issue of the entire series. Additionally, it’s easily the best one as well. The buildup that Alex Segura has been doing to this point, despite it’s ups & downs, finally pays off for an incredible penultimate issue.
First and foremost, you have the New Republic who understands the stakes they’re facing. The task is simple, win the battle and the war is over. Secondly, you have the Imperial remnant just trying to hold on to what little power they have left and attempt to re-establish the Empire they love.
Thirdly, you have Moff Adelhard who is one of the most intriguing characters in recent Star Wars history. He’s a powerful individual who does not care what has to do to achieve his goals. It’s a recipe for a battle that will be incredibly memorable.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the issue is the storyline with Luke Skywalker. He isn’t on the front lines with the rest of the New Republic forces. Instead, he’s on a mission with Rynn Zenat to try and undermine Adelhard’s forces. It’s a twist in the plot I did not expect, but it’s an intriguing one that I’m interested to see play out.
FINAL POINT: Alex Segura pens a very compelling story heading into the series finale next week. All of the chess pieces are in place, and the proverbial powder keg has been lit. As I’ve said before, we know how the battle is going to play out. We’ve known this since 2015, but we don’t know the finer details of how this will play out. And that’s where the intrigue lays heading into the final issue. This is a fantastic issue that you do NOT want to skip this week, especially with the series finale coming next week.
Overall Grade: 9/10
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