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REDCOAT #8: The Face of Evil IS HERE


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Redcoat #8:

Be a weary traveler for not every invitation is as innocent as it seems. Simon is on the move recounting his tales as he mourns his friend Albert. Simon comes upon a house perfect to stay the night. He comes upon the true face of evil in a fight for survival.

Redcoat #8 by Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh. (Credit Image Comics/Ghost Machine. Cover by Bryan Hitch and Brad Anderson.)

Geoff Johns (WRITER) Bryan Hitch (ART AND COVER) Andrew Currie (INKS) Brad Anderson (COLORS AND COVER) and Rob Leigh (LETTERS)

****Possible Spoiler Warning****

The Art and Letters:

This issue kicks off in a rain storm at night matching the gloomy way we left off issue #7 and matching the tone of Simon. Brad, Andrew, and Bryan evolve the art in this story in such a thrilling way. As we meet the Benders they are shown to be a loving and innocent quiet family. When their true nature shows the team does not shy away from showcasing how gruesome they are.

As Simon faces them the art turns this family slowly into a group of ghouls. The way they draw their immediate switch and hate shines brightly in this issue. Another impressive moment is when Simon is believed to be dead. We see the bodies of their victims and each one tells a different story without using words. We see Simon in a more ferocious light as he battles his way through. It is quite the change from previous issues.

Rob impressively matches the sounds and shrieks that emit from this house and makes the switch from soft voices to demonic sounds. This issue is particularly visually pleasing and full of action and blood.

The Writing:

Hats off to Geoff for the way he plays with the tones throughout this issue. The innocence in the family lures us into a false sense of security and then shows their taste for murder. Geoff also gives us a taste of what Simon can be. Simon is not a coward in this story and is not afraid to fight as he was in other issues. There are some funny quips from him even bringing out some laughs.

Perhaps, the most intriguing hook from this is what exactly happened in 1909. He keeps teasing us and building the anticipation and the end leaves us with more questions. The Northerner is coming and one thing this issue does well is showcase timelines and it continues to connect the world of Ghost Machine by name-dropping someone important.

Final Thoughts:

Redcoat #9 is a blood-thirsty and menacing tale reminding us to be careful when booking that Air BnB. Simon is shown in a violent light and deservedly so and the storylines are beginning to connect to something bigger looming on the horizon. Redcoat is my favorite thing to have happened in 2024 and continues to show me why.

10/10 Bodies Under the Floor

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Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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