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X-Factor #4 – Rescue in the Center of the Earth


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In a world where Krakoa has fallen, mutants are feeling more vulnerable than ever. The solution: putting together a military team full of mutants run by a Hollywood guy who cares more about ratings than safety. What could go wrong?

Creative Team

Writer: Mark Russell;

Artist: Bob Quinn;

Color Artist: Jesus Aburtov;

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna;

Cover Artists: Greg Land, Jay Leisten & Frank D’Armata.

Variant Cover Artists: Anand Ramcheron & Edgar Delgado; Marcus To & Alex Sinclair.

Check out the review for Issue 1 of X-Factor.

X-Factor #4 Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
X-Factor #4 Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Story for Issue #4

On what seems like it should be a milk run, the new X-Factor team (after almost everyone on the first team died on their first mission in issue 1) is sent to the center of the Earth to rescue some scientists. Only to be met with metal eating giant spiders! As this extremely unique team of misfits still struggles to work together, some of them are struggling with the fact that their popularity and social media status is valued by a Hollywood guy on an all corn dog diet.

Not knowing where they fit in the world, or how to protect those they love, the X-Factor team seems to continue to dig themselves deeper (no pun intended) into chaos. However, at the disappointment of those following along on the socials, they seem to be working together a bit better than the issue 1 team.

X-Factor #4 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
X-Factor #4 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
X-Factor #4 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.
X-Factor #4 Variant Cover. All images by Marvel Comics.

The Art

This is perfect Marvel art. Exactly what you would expect and love in a Marvel comic today. There is so much detail and beauty. You can truly get a sense of each person’s morals simply by the expressions on their faces in reacting to what is happening around them. Then the fight scenes against the giant metal eating spiders took it up a notch! The art was blended incredibly well with this story.

X-Factor #4 Rating 9.5/10

I love a good Marvel team up story, and X-Factor delivers on a whole new level. The comedy is as fantastic as the story. It’s almost a PG version of ‘The Boys.’ While the rescues aren’t staged, they are strategically picked to gain likes and views. I’m truly loving the variety of characters. From Pyro who just wants to lay by the pool, to Angel who is truly conflicted on how he can best help mutants (and find his girlfriend), to a Grandma who can’t die but really really wants to.

X-Factor has action, mystery, comedy, and corn dogs. I highly recommend any Marvel fan add X-Factor to their pull list. It truly is a fresh take on a Marvel team up comic.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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