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Minor Threats – The Fastest Way Down #4


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Creative Team:

Script: Patton Oswalt & Jordan Blum; Art: Scott Hepburn; Colors: Ian Herring; Letters: Nate Piekos of Blambot; Cover A & D Artists: Scott Hepburn with Ian Herring; Cover B Artist: Sandy Jarrell.

Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down by Dark Horse Comics

The Minor Threats world kicked off last year with a 4 issue run. Followed by The Alternates, and now Minor Threats, the Fastest Way Down. A couple weeks ago an adorably gross new addition was also added, Barfly. Overall this world is dark, traumatic, hilarious, beautiful, action packed, and mysterious.

Frankie “Playtime” Follis quickly climbed the ladder to become Queenpin of Redport. However, everything she did (and didn’t do) to get there, seems pointless now. In issue 3 we saw her really start to spiral. All while a heart broken reptilian and group of “superheroes” who are so young they probably use the term, ‘no cap’ have done the unthinkable. Frankie is now forced to face the choices she’s made as she deals with a parent’s worst nightmare. Will she stay on top, or find the fastest way down.

Check out the review for a recent Minor Threats spinoff, Barfly.

Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down #4 Cover, by Dark Horse images.
All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Story for Issue 4

A group of superheroes called ‘The Action’ are just out of underoos and determined to make Frankie, AKA Playtime, their ticket to the big leagues. If they can break her, they’ll be real superheroes. However, they underestimated Frankie’s real power. She may be the Queenpin of Redport, and a genius at creating and turning toys into weapons, but her true strength is in how much she loves her kid. While Frankie goes full mama bear, literally, Reptilian and ‘The Action’ all show their true colors. As the dust seems to settle on this chapter, more chaos seems to await, because… hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Variant Cover for Minor Threats, TFWD #4 by Dark Horse Comics.
All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Art

Throughout this series I have raved about the art, and it continues to be so full of life, drama, and fun. The Minor Threats world is dark and beautiful, and when your main character’s powers are creating weapons that look like toys, you get action packed fights like you’ve never seen before. While Minor Threats is full of fun and hilarity, it’s also got a lot of drama and heart. The art really conveys that beautifully as well. You see the emotions in our characters, whether they’re crying over a lost one, or being attacked by a child’s iPad case.

Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down #4 Rating: 9.75/10

Throughout Frankie’s life she has struggled with not becoming her mother (as many of us do). She has moments where she loses control and begins to fall down a dark path. However, we can’t blame our parents forever, and eventually you got to step up and take some action (pun intended).

Overall this story has done a beautiful job of highlighting the struggle of overcoming a childhood lost. Frankie is incapable of creating a toy that doesn’t double as a weapon (there’s definitely hours of therapy right there). Parenting is hard for the average parent, but when you’re a Queenpin whose mother trained you to be a supervillain, it can be a bit tougher. Frankie regularly struggles with breaking that cycle and doing better for her daughter. However, she’ll never fully escape her past, nor do I think she fully wants to. If you haven’t dove into the world of Minor Threats yet, there is no time like the present. If you like unexpected twists mixed with the most unique superpowers you’ve ever seen, some generational trauma, and a sprinkle of comedy… this is the comic world for you.

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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