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GRIM #16 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! Studios)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points! It’s the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the coolest book at the LCS returns! With a style and appeal that is all its own, the (after) life and times of Jessica Harrow has been a monster hit.

Combining multiple elements of storytelling, comics’ favorite reaper has pushed the limits of creativity. Now entering a new arc, the series continues to set a high bar for others to follow.

GRIM #16 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano dives back into Jessica’s latest challenge: Annabel unleashing pure Hell on an unsuspecting Earth! Even with allies around her, will it be enough to stop the rogue Reaper?

Let’s not delay another second & check this issue out!


After being betrayed by her aunt Adira, Jessica and her friends Eddie and Marcel have been tested to extreme measures. The tables turned quickly as Annabel used Adira’s bribe for a returned soul to unleash pure Sin! Now, Jessica and her remaining allies have bunkered down inside a diner as Annabel runs wild.

This chapter begins with a flashback sequence in 2003 Afghanistan. A young soldier is inside a building with another wounded known as Monroe aka “Roe.” The narration walks readers through the mindset of the lead soldier. As he helps up his wounded partner, a head shot kills Roe instantly.

GRIM #16 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! Studios) Cover: Riley Rossmo

The soldier processes what has just happened. Taking heavy fire, the narration shifts to the soldier fearing the end is near. Suddenly another voice jumps in and asks an awkward question. The time snaps back to present. Eddie is the guilty party for interrupting the narrator.


The mystery voice behind the flashback is none other than the Priest, whos’ story takes center stage. With Jessica gearing up to lead a fight, the Priest’s story of life and loss ignites a deeply moving tale. Readers will become locked in as events play out. Once the final pages unfold, the conclusion hits heavy with the inevitable about ready to commence.

Phillips pens an intense chapter filled with deeply emotional moments. The Priest’s story is filled with the deadly side of war. The phrase “War Is Hell” is never an understatement. Phillips weaves readers through the many phases of the Priest’s time in combat.

It carries a heavy weight as the moments build towards a crushing conclusion. The impact it has on Jessica is very evident. Knowing what lies ahead, even someone who’s been surrounded by death can still be affected by the life of a living being. This chapter gives a moving start to an already layers saga.

Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano depict the hellish landscape of war with very bold imagery. The full page image of Roe’s death holds nothing back. The Priest’s reactions to events wear heavy with his facial responses. The ending of the flashback moments will hit readers very hard in their feelings. Even in the present, the art team closes events with a solid parting image, bracing for what lies ahead. Each creative member wastes no time in giving fans a return they won’t soon forget.


Comics’ coolest book crashes New Comic Book Day with a powerful venture. Phillips’ strong writing lays the groundwork for a powerful chapter. The extreme landscape comes to life with the talents of Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano crafting the dark imagery of the Priest’s past. This chapter is prime example of why Grim gets so much praise in its’ storytelling.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Grim #16. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


DON'T FEAR THE REAPER! GRIM RETURNS APRIL 3RD: Stephanie Philips Interview - NI Comics
Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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