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Fire Power #30: A Masterful Conclusion to Owen Johnson’s Journey


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Creative Team: Robert Kirkman (co-creator/writer), Chris Samnee (co-creator/artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist) and Rus Wooton (letters)

Fire Power #30 Robert Kirkman (co-creator/writer), Chris Samnee (co-creator/artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist) and Rus Wooton (letters) Credit: Skybound Entertainment

Fire Power #30 – Skybound Entertainment

Fire Power #30 marks the culmination of an epic saga that has gripped readers with its blend of action, emotion, and intrigue. From the ashes of tragedy to the heights of power, Owen Johnson’s journey has been one of self-discovery and redemption. As the creative team of Robert Kirkman, Chris Samnee, Matt Wilson, and Russ Wooton bid farewell to this beloved series, fans are left with a sense of satisfaction tinged with sadness.

Check Out Issue 29 Review Here!

The Writing

Robert Kirkman’s skill as a storyteller is on full display in this final issue. The aftermath of the initial battle with the Great Serpent sets the stage for a climactic showdown that will determine the fate of the world. Kirkman deftly weaves together the threads of Owen’s past, from his training at the Temple of the Flaming Fist to the loss of his parents, culminating in a thrilling conclusion that is both heart-wrenching and uplifting. The themes of family, friendship, and love resonate throughout, giving the series a depth and emotional resonance that is rare in comics. Kirkman’s ability to pay off long-running plot points and callbacks from earlier issues adds an extra layer of emotional weight, rewarding longtime fans for their dedication.

Fire Power #30 Robert Kirkman (co-creator/writer), Chris Samnee (co-creator/artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist) and Rus Wooton (letters) Credit: Skybound Entertainment

The Art, Colors and Letters

Chris Samnee’s art style is the perfect complement to Kirkman’s writing, with its simple yet expressive linework bringing the characters and their world to life. Samnee’s attention to detail, particularly in the background scenery, adds depth and texture to each panel, while Matt Wilson’s vibrant colors imbue the artwork with a sense of energy and vitality. Russ Wooton’s lettering enhances the action sequences, giving them a dynamic and cinematic feel that propels the story forward. Together, the creative team has crafted a visually stunning and emotionally resonant finale that will leave a lasting impression on readers.

Final Thoughts

As Fire Power draws to a close, fans can’t help but feel a sense of loss at saying goodbye to characters who have become like family. But while the series may be ending, its legacy will live on, thanks to the masterful storytelling of Robert Kirkman, the beautiful artwork of Chris Samnee, and the contributions of the entire creative team. As a fan, bidding farewell to Fire Power is bittersweet, but the care taken in crafting the conclusion makes it a worthy send-off.

Overall Grade: 9.5 Out Of 10

Thanks for checking out my review for the NI Comics Bullpen. Let me know what comics you’re reading and hit me up on any social media platform here! Till next time…

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Your friendly neighborhood SCUBA Instructor that loves comic books, movies and casual gaming. Data Engineer by day comic book reader by night! Comic Reviewer for Nerd Initiative! Also into show skiing, wakeboarding and snowboarding

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