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Void Rivals #4 – It Starts At The Top


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Creative Team: Robert Kirkman (Writer), Lorenzo De Felici (Artist), Matheus Lopes (Colorist) and Rus Wooton (Letters)

VOID RIVALS #4 by Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Matheus Lopes and Rus Wooton (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment)

Void Rivals #4 starts right up where we left off with the Zertonian, Solila is heading to her home world to deliver the Agorrian to the Premire who leads the Zertonians. There is a ton story wise that goes on in this issue so to prevent any spoilers all I will say is this: You NEED to check this out!

Check out the review on Void Rivals #3 here!

The Writing, Art and Colors:

Kirkman continues to craft this unique universe that keeps you on your toes! The visual world building done by Lorenzo De Felici and Matheus Lopes is mind blowing! The attention to detail with the ships, architecture and other characters is truly impressive. One of my favorite scenes is when the Premire is on his throne. It reminded me a lot of the Oblivion Song (written by Kirkman and drawn by De Felici) when Lord Halaak, leader of the faceless men, was sitting in a similar way on his throne.

Final Thoughts:

As a new reader to the Energon Universe I am absolutely hooked on what this creative team is producing. The story is very new reader friendly and the artwork is captivating! I am looking forward to next month’s issue and to the first new storyline in Transformers #1!

Overall Grade: 9 out of 10

Thanks for checking out my review for the NI Comics Bullpen. Let me know what comics you’re reading and hit me up on Twitter. Till next time…

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