
Fire Power #26- Training Day

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Fire Power issue #26 –  Skybound Entertainment

Creative Team: Robert Kirkman (co-creator/writer), Chris Samnee (co-creator/artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist) and Rus Wooton (letters)

Fire Power #26 Robert Kirkman (co-creator/writer), Chris Samnee (co-creator/artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist) and Rus Wooton (letters) Credit Skybound Entertainment

Fire Power #26 opens with some of the neighborhood kids talking about the Johnson family and if they will ever go back to school again. Robert Kirkman does a great job weaving in events like this which ground the story to everyday life to make it relatable.

The quipiness of Master Wei Lun is one of the many things I continue to enjoy in this series and this issue definitely has it! It’s hard not to read those parts without smiling! He is such a wholesome character that always steals the panels that he is drawn on. 

The covers in this series have been nothing short of spectacular! The attention to detail and the shading done in the main cover makes a cinematic like experience making it hard not to pick up off the shelves. The variant cover by David Aja is a must order for all fire power fans and comic book collectors alike!

The combination of Chris Samnee’s Art, Matthew Wilson’s color and Rus Wootons letters provides an incredible action packed experience. Especially in the sequence where Owen is training with his two children. We learned in the previous issue that his daughter, Haley, has a blue fireball and in this issue it is confirmed that it is hotter than the others. Additionally, we see that Doug, Owen’s son’s fireball, appears to be able to be thrown in a curved way. 

At the end of this issue we are left with more questions than answers. Does Owen’s firepower have some sort of special abilities? And is it just Owens family that has these special abilities or is it something that is unlocked with more training? How are these special abilities going to factor into the massive showdown with the great serpent and Master Shaw? Plus what special powers does Master Shaw have with his green fire power? And do the colors mean something with what special abilities people learn?  


Thanks for checking out my review for the NI Comics Bullpen. Let me know what comics you’re reading and hit me up on Twitter. Till next time…

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