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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #121: Deep Blue “SOMETHING”


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We are here! At the beginning of the end! After reintroducing the Solar Rangers with their plan, how do we balance it out on Earth? Well “Digi-Grace” has an idea, but she going to have to convince Billy, who is at his wit’s end.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #121, Written by Melissa Flores, Art by Hendry Prasetya, Colored by Matt Herms, Lettered by Ed Dukeshire

A Head Full of Grace

Billy has been wearing himself so thin that he is trying to figure out a way to save the earth, the grid, and the universe. He’s so pulled so thin, like spandex, that any idea will help. Interestingly, Billy is one of the last of the core rangers to be reminded of the events of the Shattered Grid, which in his current state is not conducive to coming up with the most rational strategy.

And Out of the Blue

Ultimately, he decides to follow a treacherous course of action and frees Kiya, giving her her Morpher back. The Blue Rangers, along with Drakkon Yellow Trini, still with the White Power coin diffusion, descended on the Bermuda Triangle. Temporarily incapacitating both Dr. Kendall, Aisha, Matt, and even the Phantom Ranger! Using the Purple Enegrem and, in addition to the Power Lance, quite possibly shatters the grid yet AGAIN!

The Art

Need I say more?! It’s been 121 issues over how many years, and the art might have slightly changed artist by artist, but it still jumps off the page and into your imagination!! The betrayal of Billy with all the dark overtones and how he took out the Phantom Ranger was just a gut-wrenching panel! The full-spread final page is spectacular and so vibrant amidst the chaos that’s about to unfold!

The Story

The ball has finally picked up the full momentum. The point where both the grid and my expectations are shattered! I have no clue where Misty Flores has been going with this, and I’m excited, to say the least! How things will be tied up is beyond my realm of theorizing.

Thoughts from THE GRID

I’ve ranted on and on about this issue. It is fast; first, you’re on page one, and then on the last! To see Billy turn heel isn’t probably the best of terms. But the pure turmoil that Billy is forcing himself through is excellent. He is a man on a mission, and how this will end up is BEYOND THE GRID for me.

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #121 gets 8 out of 10 Power Coins

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42/m/🌎 Cleverly Disguised as an "ADULT" Tom always has an opinion and isn't afraid to share it that why he's "OFF THE CUFF!" He isn't afraid to talk about anything or to anyone! As an "ELDER MILENNIAL" his Nerd Knowledge runs deep! He's "THAT GUY you take to Trivia Night or Karaoke Night"

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